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Magical Love

"May you never grow too old to believe in magic and fairytales."
     —Misty Dawn Seidel, Dreams on Paper

Just like fairytales would be incomplete without magic, love is the magic that keeps the relationship resilient when we encounter hurts, hardships, and conflict.  It makes the fairytale work and the love story magical.  Love provides the security to be vulnerable, intimate, and playful, and keeps us together when things get tough.  Not only is love a feeling but it is also an action, making it impossible to truly love someone without expressing it.  When we refrain from expressing our love through: affirmation, gifts, affection, service, sacrifice, and time, we are killing the magic in our fairytale and reducing our relationship to a dull, lifeless story void of magic.  We need the “magic” to convince us anything is possible, and we can truly conquer our greatest fears…together.  To keep the magic alive in the relationship, try behaving in a loving fashion, even when you’re not feeling it.  Sometimes if we wait to feel love before we act loving, then we delay the magic from taking hold in our relationships.  An added bonus, love helps your health, improves your moods, reduces your stress and more.  God is also a great source of love, and experiencing His love can trigger some loving feelings in you.  So go ahead! Love a little….or a lot, and keep the magic alive.  The more you love, the better it is for us all.


  • Experts find that magical thinking and love go together from birth, so when we love, we believe magical things are possible.
  • Express acceptance for your partner by listening and validating even when you disagree.
  • Provide eye contact when your partner is talking.
  • Do shared activities: prayer, meditation, recreation, working out, play…
  • For more inspiration on the power of love, check out this video by Prince Ea
"God, give us the strength to express our love for one another even when we don’t always feel like it or when others are not being loving to us. May we choose love as our greatest magical source to change our world."

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